
Monday, April 19, 2021

Keeping sane during lockdown

It is the second year of staying home, right?
Being an essential worker, I am going to work. Still, the human interaction is much lower than pre covid days.
I feel more tired than usual   So, the Friday off was really nice. I made myself free for the weekend too.
I finished reading a book and wrote a few blog posts. Found some time to watch fun videos as well.
The Highlight of the weekend was a long walk with hubby on Sunday morning!


That beauty was really up-lifting. I don’t know the name of the plant. Don’t that make you happy?
I took a closer view of the flower.

We happened to be near the school on the way back. It has beautiful butterfly and bees painted on the wall. We saw the artist doing it in 2019 summer. 

It is really a treat for the eyes to walk around the neighbourhood on a spring morning during this lockdown.

the outside light and the gentle breeze rejuvenates the body and mind. It is a very simple thing to do and be happy. I feel like I am taking care of myself, while enjoying the nature and the company.

What type of things you do during the lockdown to keep sane?


Saturday, April 17, 2021

What makes you happy?

Ever read the book, "Your time or Your Money"?

It is a book by Vicki Robbins. Most of the Financial Independent bloggers have mentioned about that book. 

I read it several years ago. It came to mind just today again. This book makes us think about our purchases based on the time we have to work to get that material possession. 

If you hate your work, and spent long hours at work to have your stuff, then think about it. Time is fixed. Every one get 24 hours a day and 365 days an year. What you want to do with this time? If you are working 80 hour weeks, you have to reduce your time to do other things in life. It can be spending time with your love ones. It can be no time for exercise. It can be less time for the fun and interesting things to do with life.

So, is that 80 hours of working really worth it? 

What you want to do with life? Like to have freedom to do more fun things and less material stuff  or doing more at work to accumulate more stuff in life?

This book made me think of how many hours to slave for work to buy a not so needed expensive dress.

I highly recommend reading this book. It will tell you how you "money is something you choose to  trade your life energy for" 

What is important to you?

What makes you happy?

Is it worth spending your time to work more hours to have more stuff? 

Do you like to work or do you like to spend your time doing something else?



Friday, April 16, 2021

Sunny days : happy Days

 Sunlight makes every one happy. 

I was looking outside by standing on the window on a suuny day this week. I saw this man and kid (might be dad and daughter) enjoying the happy spring day.

Especially, in North America, with almost 7 months of winter, sunny spring days are delightful. It is a simple thing to be outside on a bright spring day. It will still be cold, but happy. 

We are all naturally attracted to the sunlight.

Scientists says sunlight is the greatest source of Vitamin D, which is also known as the happy vitamin. 

It is also known that depression can be lifted by regularly getting exposed to sunlight. 

Brighter days makes our moodsEven on an overcast day, outside is brighter than inside. Being out will elevate our moods, even on an overcast day.

I felt compelled to capture this photo:

Light brings shadows, right? Just like life has happy and sad moments. 

What feelings comes to you on a sunny day?


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

What is the relation between Coffee and attitude

 There is a coffee shop -Tim Hortons to be exact-, near my work place. 

That gave me a new habit of having a small coffee after lunch. Because of lockdown, I cannot sit there to have my coffee. 

It is just a small coffee, nothing more. The servers at the counter usually just take the order, and will ask how I am going to pay. Give me my coffee and done with that.

There is one young man there, shows great enthusiasm to take my order. "What can I get you today?" with an eagerness in his voice!

When I made my order, he will be ready to scan my point card (on the phone now). Then, he will tell me how many points I have at the moment. Tim Hortons has a deal of 70 points to get a free coffee. When I accumulated enough points, he will tell me "Your next one will be free. Make it big", with a smile. 

After such a nice interaction, I will be happy to serve my own customers with enthusiasm.

A person's happy attitude is contagious! 

I really want to give that attitude to my clients. 

How a person's attitude affects your day?


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Blooms to cheer! Simple thing to be happy!

It  is almost middle of April. 

Spring flowers started to appear in plenty. 

Then there are rainy days. The bush just outside my kitchen window is full of yellow flowers. 

Yellow means sunshine, isn't it? 

I don't know the name of this plant. The small flowers  dancing in the wind is a beautiful sight. 

When doing the dishes in the sink, it is there to cheer me. They are letting me "You go girl!" 

They reminds me I just need to have a look to enjoy them.

I capture the beauty on my phone camera. Then gave it a frame on
. It was more fun! 

Very simple thing to see the flowers just outside my window. 

Those flowers are simple, yet happy!!! 

Life of these flowers are short. Yet I think, the purpose of them is to make other living beings happy! 

These simple flowers reminds me not to think too much about the purpose of my life and other cI don't need to do big things to spread happiness. 


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Colouring book: simple thing to be happy

I bought an adult colouring book, on a whim. I was just inside the bookstore near work. 

ThI liked the cover of the book. Bought it for $6. 

Then i bought a set of colour pencils from Amazon. 

To colour a picture, I just choose one colour, without thinking too much. Then go for filling the similar shapes in that colour. For the next shape, select another colour. 

It was as simple as that. I got lost in the process. The finished piece gave me joy!

It was just like being a kid, and using colour pencils. 

Simple thing to be happy! So will do that whenever I have to calm myself from the daily grind.  


Friday, April 9, 2021

Being lazy: Simple thing to be happy

It is April 9 today.

I haven't made a post for the whole work week.

It was long work days. Then, the province is under lockdown.

It scares everybody. 

Working in the clinic every day, and long hours with no real interaction with co-workers....

I made myself time to have a few moments of sun after linch. Just to stare at the sunny field, watching masked people walking, just doing nothing particular.... It gives a sense of the things going around me. 

Warmth of sun and the soft touch wind on skin! The awareness of things going on and making no sense of it. 

It is a simple thing, to be happy
