
Showing posts with label coupons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coupons. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is it worth to do Extreme couponing?

I was wondering what these folks doing wit Extreme Couponing. While, in Toronto, many of the coupons cannot be combined with any other offer, I still wanted to watch the show.I really wanted to know how they are saving money.
What I saw was people buying tons of mustard, sauses, and other processed food. They also have tons of paper towels, hygiene products etc.What I didn't see is the day to day things like bread, milk, and other food items to be cooked before eating.Their house is full of stuff. That made me wonder how much stuff a family needs!!
The valuable space is filled with things, they are not going to use in the near future, some probably in years to come. They bought things, which could be worth a $1000, and did not paid because they used coupons. To be honest with you,do any one in their right mind, will buy $1000 worth of things from a grocery store, even though you are not paying the full amount? These people spend a lot of time to cut and organize the coupons. Then after shopping, they need to find space to keep the things.The valuable real estate is used up for storing things and not for living. Actually they are not saving. They just spend some money to use up the coupons and got some things to be stored at home. OK, if they are selling it for profit, I agree they saved money. But honestly, How many bottles of mustard you really need for an year? How many litters of laundry detergent you need for an year?
Now the question is did the extreme couponer saved money or spend money? I really think, the money is spend on things that they don't really need.

Don't take me wrong, I do use coupons. But I use the coupons to buy things I really use. If there is a coupon available for soyamilk, for the brand I normally use, I will use it. The bottom line is use the coupons to buy the things you really use, in a reasonable period of time. Since time is extremely valuable, use up the time to be really productive and bring in some income.