
Monday, June 28, 2021

What was in it?

It was a big long work week. 

I work at the dental office. 

When the patient was getting late, I did call to know what is happening. They picked up the phone and said: "on the way". But, they had some trouble finding the office because all the shops are closed and not many people there. 

they showed about 10 minutes late for the appointment. I took the patient in and showed him where to place their jacket. The jacket got hung on the wall. Then I heard the sound of breaking glass. 

There was this pretty shard of green glass on the floor. Turned out, there was a glass bottle in the jacket pocket and it fell on the floor, with liquid all over the floor.

The patient was apologetic and was ready to pick the shard with bare hands. I was able to make them sit on the patient chair with a promise to clean it up by myself. The last thing I wanted to have a patient with bleeding hands!

There was no broom to be found around the office, as we have janitors coming every evening with their own tools. I told the dentist about the incident, so she won't get inside the room and step on the glass. Finally, we got it all cleaned out, mopped the floor and all. 

When everything was fine, I asked my patient: "what was in the bottle? Was it seven up?" 

He said: "Just water". 



  1. What a mess! That's good it was just water!!

    1. Yes Heather. The bottle was a pretty green.

  2. Lucky no one was hurt. I guess the patient is trying to help the environment by avoiding plastic?

    1. Might be trying to save the earth. Glad that we were able to keep everything in order.

  3. I am glad no one was hurt.

    1. Safety is the first thing. I am so glad to make him sit while we clean up.

  4. Good thing it was only water. But, what an unexpected thing to happen.

  5. Gosh. He carries plain water in a glass bottle? That's a surprise.


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