
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

3 Easy Care Houseplants

Years ago I visited one of my friends at home. She has so many plants in the house. I never tried to grow anything before. 

So, I bought a leafy plant and a miniature rose. 

But, they both died after a month or so. 

I thought I could not have plants in the house. 

Then I happened to see an article about air-purifying plants. That is when I started to think about having houseplants. Pothos are air-purifying plants. 

I got a pothos cutting from my husband's colleague. Then, I got some advice from google to keep it in water to get rooted. Once it did, I planted it in soil.

  They can live in lowlight conditions. I usually water once a week in summer and biweekly or when the soil feels dry in winter. I use the water-soluble fertilizer once in a while. 

The second one is my Jade plant. They have these shiny green leaves. 

I found they are easy-care plants as well. I was searching online about plant propagation. We can propagate Jade Plant very quickly from plant cuttings or just leaves! 

The third plant I have tested is Wandering Jew. It is interesting to have such a name. 

It's purple and green striped leaves. They are easy to care for and propagate. It is adding a bit of colour to the indoor too. 

All these three plants can be easily water propagated. 

Do you have indoor plants? What type of plants do you love?




  1. I have an amazing jade plant and two spider plants that have grown from cuttings, but mostly I have cacti. Anything that survives my brown thumb is easy care.

    1. Olga, I am glad you found some easy care plants!

  2. I am not good with plants, but that said I have had the ones you mentioned at one time or another. There is another popular house plant called spider plant.

  3. I'm not great with plants either but I do have a pothos and a jade!

    1. Those are nice plants to have at home!

  4. I don't keep any indoor plants here in Hawaii. However, on the mainland I used to have Peace Lilies, philodendrons, areca palms, spider plants, umbrella plants, etc.

    1. That is a lot of plants indoors!. When you have nice weather, it is good to have plants outside.

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