
Monday, March 8, 2021

Covid19 Vaccine experience

I guess, you know that I am a front line health care worker. 

Yes, oral health care workers are also frontline workers!

 We work in an environment where aerosols cannot be removed.

So, the employer installed air purifiers in all treatment rooms. We are given gowns and shields. We use surgical scrub caps. Office has hand sanitizer everywhere. The treatment rooms are vacant for 15 minutes after each person. Still, an error can happen and we are all risking our lives every day. 

Dental offices are considered health care setting. But, it is a business run for profit. It was considered non essential in March 2020. In 2021, it is considered as essential. A vacant patient chair is not bringing any income. So, we are trying hard to conserve materials, gauze, cotton rolls, saliva ejectors, floss, gloves , masks... everything. 

Since we are front line workers, we have priority if getting vacine. 

Last Friday was my turn to get vaccine. I work in York region. So, it was done in York region hospital. 

The hospital was well organized. The parking is free for vaccination. You are allowed to enter the parking lot 10 minutes before your appointment. You can go to the vaccine clinic on time. 

They will ask about your appointment time. then you are allowed to enter. Next is the screening. People are standing behind plexi glass barries in full ppe to ask screening questions. You will be given a new mask and asked to cahange. Then another line to show your health card and job ID. Then you are allowed to wait for your turn. 

I felt no pain in getting the injection. I was given Pfizer vaccine. After the injection, I was asked to sit in an auditorium for 15 minutes. This is to make sure you are okay after the vaccination. The room has chairs placed in a way that people can sit and still be socially distanced. When a person gets up from chair, there are people to come and wipe that chair with disinfectant. When you are leaving, the person near the door will check you out after confirming you have a second appointment booked. Your proof of vaccination will be mailed to email you provided. 

I didn't take any fever or pain medication. I didn't have any bad aches or fever as a side effect of vaccine. 

Hopefully, we can defeat this virus.


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