
Friday, March 30, 2012

What I learnt about twitter


Guess what? I am active in Twitter.

I wasn't thinking about joining Twitter, but I happened to drop by on Sherryl Prry's website keep up with the web Here's what I learned, for those who are just getting into the world of Twitter,

The @connect button. It lets you see who just started following you, and where you got mentioned in other tweets. If someone re-tweets your posts, it's a good sign.

Don't tweet about insignificant events. It's what a lot of people do, but it doesn't help or interest anyone. People aren't interested in if you just brushed your teeth, they're interested if you entertain or inform them.Think of it like a news article heading - it should interest or benefit readers.

Follow the leaders of your field. Mention them in tweets, re-tweet their posts, and they may notice you. Sometimes, they may repay the favor and mention you in their tweets to their hordes of followers.

Get a Twitter plug-in. When I switched to Word-Press, it had a plug-in for my posts. When I see an blog post that I like, if there's a Twitter plug-in added, I immediately give it tweet.

The # sign. It's what Twitter uses to tag words in a tweet so they're easily searchable. Remember to tag #crochet or anything else relevant to your posts so people can find them!

Thank people. If they mention you in their posts, it's only polite to thank them again!

If you follow someone, their tweets will appear on your page, so don't follow people blindly!

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